The COGIC Women's Book Club is committed to promoting and advancing its community of women through the reading of clean, wholesome books. Our book selection is diverse in categories and genres.
The titles in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Women's Book Club have been recommended to the Club by its authors and members. Because of the challenge of featuring each book that's recommended during our monthly discussions, we are sharing the list with you. You are welcomed and encouraged to peruse the list and search the authors and titles that are of interest to you and facilitate your own local book discussions as well.
Author's Book List
Last Name First Name Title
Artis Ruth Ladies, Wait for your Husband
Baldridge Ashley Overcoming the Struggles of Singleness
Bonita Melanie Daily Dose of Determination
Beverly Angela UnWeird
Angie's Poetry Room
Blake Rachel First Ladies Own Your Day!
Brown J. Jai Beware of Wolves
Bryant Barbara I'm Not Every Woman
Butler Kathryn A. Triumphant in the Trenches
Carlisle Dee Grandma Fights the Bed Bugs!
Carlisle Dee Satisfying the Soouull
Chandler Jynean Too Late
Clayton Lakeytha Loving God's Masterpiece
Cloud Henry Boundaries
Cockfield Audrey The Up Hills and Down Hills of the Preacher's Wife
Cousin Vernita Zion's Book of Prayers
Culton Rhonda Inspire - The Inspirational Book Project
D'chelle Karen "Talitha Cumi" Little Girl Rise Up!
Delaney Jacqueline Overcoming Anxiety 31 Day Journal
Christian Identity: Discovering True Purpose & Meaning
Donaldson Clemea From Wheelchair to White Coat
Evans Angela Path to Still Waters
Felder Horace Flowing from My Heart
Felder Horace Flowing from My Heart, Too
Goodson, ed. Glenda I'm So Glad I'm Sanctified!
Goodson, ed. Glenda Royalty Unveiled
Goodson, ed. Glenda Rediscovering an American Classis; Essays on the Life...
Graham Joyce Succession; Mentoring the Next Generation
Graham Joyce Surviving Transition
Graham Joyce Back to the Basics
Green Bettye Shift into your Season: It's your Time
Green Bettye After the Shift; How to handle the unexpected
Green Kimberly Her Cry, Her prayer, Her praise
Green Kimberly Encouraged to Finish; Staying Focused on the Race
Green Mary Growing My Faith
Hardy Doris My Journey
Harpole Elizabeth My Strength, My Shield, My Song
Harris Narseary How do I go forward without you?
Harris, ed. Grace Davis The 100 days of morning glory and beyond
Harry Heather Royal Destiny; three women, three journeys to one God
Harry Heather The Gift
Hatchett T. The Power of God
Hill Andrea Cursed on a Tree
Hiltibidal Scarlet Afraid of all the things
Hollis Lisa Me and my Hair
Hollowell Suzanne O' Magnify the Lord With Me
James Kathy No more excuses
James Kathy The excuse free living workbook
Johnson Gina Surviving on broken pieces
Johnson Heather Sequoia secret place; redeeming the stolen kingdom
Johnson Heather God's Amazing Everlasting Love
Johnson Heather Living in Hope and Wisdom with Prayers
Johnson Lisa-Wynn First Ladies Can We Talk?
Johnson Sheary Steps to Empowerment
Johnson Yvonne Treasured Memories; a spiritual journey through my Journal
Jones Francie D. God Outside of the Church - A Guide for Evangelism
Jones Lolita' Life changing daily devotions; building your faith…
Jones Loraine The impossible is possible
Jones Lorner God's Gift
Jones Nicole My Black History
Jones Nicole The Reward
Jones Nicole The Spirit of the Church of God in Christ
Jones Nicole Draw Closer: Moments in Devotion Vol. 1
Jones Rameka Can You See What I See?
Jones Rameka Butterfly Into A Queen
Jones Sharon She Found it in the Clouds
Kendrick Stephen The Battle Plan for Prayer
King Rezine 100 Hats:Overcoming Cancer
Lambe Joyce Finding Joy: On the Path of Divine Health and Wholeness
Lambe Joyce Finding Joy: On the path of divine health and wholeness PB
Lee Ramelle Step Into His Greatness- Come Journey with Me Into
God's Greatness
Marsh Carole Out of the Mouths of Slaves; African American Oral History
Mary Queen Hidden Figures: A Mother's Faith, A Son's Redemption
McCoy Morgan Something to Talk About
McCoy Morgan Got issues?; walking in wholeness despite life's issues
McKinney Barbara When is the First Lady Ever First
Moore Latitta Sara's Cream of the Crop
Moore Latitta Bell's Palsy
Moore Mary Leading with Excellence
Moore Mary On the way to Becoming a Bride
Nevels Reagan Vision Collision
Nicholson J. Kyle Church eMERGEncy - Create Intergenerational Synergy in Ministry NOW!
Nyema Marva Lord, Send Me
Parish Rosetta Finding Water in the Desert
Parish Rosetta Spiritual Midwives Hidden in the Earth; Called to Birth Out
Parish Rosetta Who am I really?
Perez Paula 49-Year Old Virgin
Phillips Queen Thinking Big; Learn the Danger of Small Thinking
Phillips Queen The path to promise; how to move forward after Brokeness
Phillips Queen Be Free to Forgive; seeing from God's perspective
Pitts Lottie The Fifth Season "God's Promise to Us"
Price Rameld How to Raise Godly Children
Reed Laurie Love Lifted Me: A journey to Wholeness
Richmond Brenda Wisdom Nuggets
Riley Vanessa Unmasked Heart
Rodgers Gloria Spirits; understand the capacities in which supernatural…
Royston Julia Queen - Lessons From Esther
Royston Julia Queen Journal
Royston Julia From Author to Entrepreneur; How to Turn Your Book Into
Royston Julia Write that book now
Royston Julia Write that book now workbook
Russell Herldleen Between A Rock & A Hard Place
Sawyer Bonnie Legacy of love; when heaven holds the destiny of your child
Scott Brenda Maturing with grace; a 52 week 5 day devotional…
Scott Mable Faith over fear!; Bishop Charles Harrison Mason…
Scott Mable Nobody Said We Were Poor!
Scott Martha The Secret is in the Sauce!
Sheard J. Drew Say It. Tell It. Live It
Shelby Bonita Why not have it all
Simmons Pat In Defense of Love; A Novel
Spann Billie The Role of Women in the Church
Spann Lucille Precious Pearls of Wisdom
Steen Jacqueline Finding Myself in Thee
Steen Jacqueline Inspired Expressions of the Heart
Steen Jacqueline Poetry of Love and Inspiration
Stewart Mae Ephriam I Made It-A Biographical Sketch of Mae Ephriam Stewart
Thompson Debra Enlightenment II
Turner Willa Power to Overcome: My Life Story
Ward Christine Silhouettes of Thought
Ward Lauretha Resting on his Promises
Waters-Porter Amber "Just in case" Letter: A Coronavirus Conversation
White Deborah Ellington Vertical Living: Aligning your Heart with God's Will
Whittey Melody Kingdom Women: Stories of Victory and Restoration
Williams Mary God Cannot Do Everything!
Williams Sandra The Last Three Tickets to Heaven
Williams Sandra Seven Miracles of Prevailing Praise
Williams Sandra Wake Up and Pray
Wooden-Carlisle Traci My Beauty for Your Ashes, Book 1
Wooden-Carlisle Traci My Garment of Praise for Your Spirit of Heaviness; Zion series
Wooden-Carlisle Traci My Oil of Joy for Your Mourning, Book 2; Zion series
Wooden-Carlisle Traci Promises Fulfilled; promises of Zion series
Wooden-Carlisle Traci Stolen Promises; Promises of Zion series
Wright Willie Grandma Mable, are you able?
Zuri Naomi Woman of Virtue