October 2024 Book of the Month

Are you a woman who harbors those family secrets that you’re supposed to take to your grave?

Are you a woman who has been hurt, mistreated, abused, discriminated against, abandoned, or disappointed?

Were these negative traditions passed down from one generation to the next in your family, community, or circle of friends?

Do you want to know how to heal?

If you can relate to these questions, then this book is a must-read because the Author’s testimonials reflect on actual instances that occurred throughout their lives. These testimonials have never been revealed until now.

If you do not deal with the indiscretions that you’ve encountered, they can incubate into adversities that block you from executing the vision that God has for you.

You will be able to relate to these testimonials as they are women from all walks of life. You will cry, laugh, and be intrigued, yearning for more.

Once you have read this book from cover to cover, I ask that you be prepared to execute that stalled dream you may have because you will be delivered. You will recognize that you are not along in your pain and these Author testimonials can help you to better understand their break though.

Then you will be ready to join the “Gilrz Run The World In Pearls” movement. 

September 2024 Book of the Month

Pastors’ wives are human. Let's face it. Behind the welcoming smiles, gentle handshakes, and stylish dresses, they face untold challenges in their personal and church lives. Who does a first lady talk to? To whom does she tell her woes? In this inspiring and compelling book, First Lady Leisa Wynn-Johnson invites pastors' wives to engage in candid and liberating conversations about their real lives.

First Ladies, Can We Talk? is an open and honest discourse on the dynamics of church culture, church politics, and the realities of relationships between church folk, pastors, and their wives. Let's talk about loneliness and isolation, misunderstandings, role conflicts, betrayal, rejection, depression, and criticism. And let's talk about the tears, intense pressure to perform, and the longing to be liked.

Each chapter has a scripture, a powerful prayer, and an encouraging affirmation of gratitude, confidence, family success, empowerment, and more. Whether you are young or old, quiet or vocal, a novice or expert first lady, a clergy wife, or in ministry yourself, these conversations will uplift, encourage, and guide you in your role as a mother, wife, and woman of God. Learn to navigate, communicate, and find joy in your God-ordained assignment. Let’s talk about it!

August 2024 Book of the Month

Every human being has an innate call to be truly known as significant and loved by others. God has created and set this longing within us to be known for who we are. Knowing you is to know that your identity is in Jesus Christ because you were created in God's image. An individual's lack of this knowledge can result in a socio-psychological identity crisis and role confusion as characterized by social psychologist Erik Erikson. To know your identity is to know whose you are and how you came to be you. Therefore, much of our emotional pain, turmoil, and dysfunctions in our personal lives are predicated on not knowing our true identity. Therefore, we need the aid of a structure that promotes the truth of God esteem and to position us for emotional healing that positively impact our identity in Christ. This book presents elements of a spiritual formational approach, which incorporates the knowledge of core longings, self-fulfilling behaviors, and emotional wounds into a personal healing structure that impacts our Christian identity. 

July 2024 Book of the Month

You will become ENLIGHTENED as you learn who you are. This book of poems and positive affirmations will not only help build your self-esteem but will foster a sense of pride for who you are. Your hair, your color, your eyes, your family and everything aspect of you that makes you uniquely you are differences to be celebrated. This book will help you look deep within yourself and discover what the real "YOU" is all about. 

May 2024 Books of the Month

APRIL 2024 Book of the Month

FAT (Facts and Tips) of the Land Cookbook was written during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. It was birthed to encourage, inspire, and motivate families to get back to spending time together at the table instead of eating fast food as meals all the time.

I hope my book will empower you and give you back the confidence you may have lost as well as the power of cooking more delicious foods to create an environment of a more healthy and happy family time. I pray that your household will enjoy more and use the finest and richest of food found in this cookbook: Fat (Facts and Tips) of the Land Cookbook. I hope and pray my cookbook will influence you to increase and enlarge your knowledge base and create prosperity, wealth, and happiness.

This is my book of victory!

March 2024 Book of the Month

Angela Beverly is a Los Angeles, California, native, and refers to herself as a "Comptonite" since Compton is her hometown. Ultimately, she and her family settled in Northern California's Bay Area, and Angela followed in her father's footsteps joining the United States Air Force and even landed in the same career field, as a Communications and Information Manager. Angela marks her choice to serve as one of the best decisions she's ever made! After 20 years of honorable service, she retired as a Technical Sergeant in 2016, at Langley AFB, Virginia, and currently serves as a Care Professional to seniors with activities for daily living, a duty she has represented since she was a teenager. Angela seeks to grow daily in her spiritual walk with the Lord, complete her second novel, relish the company of family and friends, and watch her favorite sports, baseball, football and basketball. 


February 2024 Book of the Month

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. On our daily walks, we must be doers of the Word, not just listeners. We become better at living when we show everyone around us who God is by saying it, telling it, and living it.

In a weekly devotional, Bishop J. Drew Sheard offers Christians a wise, comforting, and inspiring spiritual companion that provides encouraging messages, biblical inspiration, and uplifting stories to remind Christians that life is a journey, not a destination. Within each reflection, Bishop Sheard shares nuggets of wisdom that lead believers down an introspective path within to rehearse daily obedience to God, avoid being caught up in a fleeting moment, live life lovingly unselfishly, treasure their destiny in the Kingdom of God, remember that salvation is the gift of God, and much more.

Say It. Tell It. Live It. is a weekly devotional that serves as both a reminder of God’s Word and as a tool for resolving life’s challenges in a way that pleases Him.

“All who are blessed to engage in this profound work will find a companion to expanding knowledge of the Word of God. This book is a must-read for all people of faith.”
Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, Chairman, The Conference of National Black Churches

Author Support & Training Services Workshop Part 1

October 2023

Turning Your Book Into A Business

September 2023 Book of the Month

I never asked to be a 49-year-old virgin. I mean, who would?

We live in a world that is obsessed with sex. We are inundated with sexual images from commercials and Super Bowl halftime shows to movies like Fifty Shades of Gray. Yet, when I was sixteen, I made a vow to remain a virgin until I married.

What I could not know was that this decision would require a 33-year commitment on my part. Although my dream was delayed, I was not denied.

This theme was present throughout my life. Through it all, I learned that . . .

God’s timing is always better than mine.

Do you want a resource that gives tips on dating for teens? You found it. If you are looking for dating books for women over 40, this is it. In this memoir, I talk about daring Christian habits that challenges singles to live life God’s way. My memoir contains inspirational, personal testimonies of being an overcomer. As a result of my personal growth, I had personal success. Read through the book until the end. I provide tips for Christian living, personal growth, personal success, and family.

Dr. Paula C. Perez is an educator, leader, youth pastor, pastor’s wife, speaker, and writer. She is committed to equipping and challenging people to live life triumphantly, especially in their relationships. Currently, she lives in upstate New York with her husband. Together, they are SYMBIS certified coaches, working with singles and married couples. To learn more about the author, visit her website. 

August 2023 Book of the Month

After having experienced one of the most difficult trials of my life, I was left hurt, broken and felt all alone in this world. My inability to cope with the things I was experiencing caused me to lose my way which led to me spending most nights sobbing uncontrollably.At some point, after spending months of being broken, I hit rock bottom & understood that I had to stop allowing the pain to keep me lost, feeling down & disconnected from God. Eventually, I got tired of the sleepless nights & sobbing uncontrollably. I started praying more and reading scriptures which were the beginning steps in me learning how to start crying out to God for refuge.Crying out to God is the best thing I ever done in my life and it started me on this new journey walking in His Peace. Finding the Peace of God is the Greatest gift on earth & it's what has inspired me to write my first Book of Devotionals. Path To Still Waters Vol.1 is a 28 day Book of Devotionals made up of 4 Chapters; Acceptance; Repentance; Forgiveness & Thanksgiving. Considered to be an "Easy Read", this Book of Devotionals takes up less than 10 mins out of anybody's day.Path To Still Waters serves as a journal on the journey of every reader & will help them find God's Peace once they learn how to let go of pain, forgive & move on. Each page in the chapters includes a scripture, an expressed thought by me, the writer & it also gives the reader an opportunity to express their thoughts before closing out with a prayer. Again, an "Easy Read".While many are experiencing very trying and difficult times, God inspired me to share a little of my testimony & share how I was able to forgive others for the terrible acts they did against me. Forgiving others was one of my greatest challenges and it took me almost 3 years to forgive "Wholeheartedly". Using God's Word as my Guide, Scriptures helped me throughout the various stages of the healing process. Now, in turn, my hopes are to inspire others to use God's Word to help them get through their healing process. Path To Still Waters Vol.1 is intended to be used as a guide to assist in the healing process for individuals who are having difficulty forgiving others. While trials & tribulations come in various forms, certain acts done against us remain to be the toughest things to get over. Path To Still Waters Vol.1 will help every reader see the bigger picture & help them to Stop Focusing on the wrongful acts done against them, which left them feeling hurt or even broken. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of healing and growing "WHILE" using God's Word to help get through various trials. Whether it be acts done against us by a stranger or a loved one or whether it be as a result of having experienced pain or disappointment due to a broken heart, betrayal or infidelity; accepting & forgiving are necessary in the healing process. No other way around it. Path To Still Waters Vol. 1 will assist in the healing process as every reader learns how to Accept their trials; Repent and ask God for forgiveness; Forgive & Thank God for Carrying them through the entire process. Be Encouraged to Seek God and rely on His Strength as He carries you through your various trials. For this is where you will find peace after having found God's Path To Still Waters. Glory To His Name. Sincerely, Author Angela Evans

July 2023 Book of the Month

This book is inspired by the Bible Verse Titus 2:4 (KJV). With over 23 years of teaching, Naomi Zuri published this book to share the strengthening words God gave to her. She’s hopeful these exact words will empower her beloved nieces with the strength to grow into beautiful young women. Moreover, Naomi’s prayer is that these words will also strengthen you, the reader. 

Naomi Z. Hammons is a single mother who found herself in the storms of life, trying to escape countless abusive environments. From toxicity on her corporate jobs, relationships, and even family dynamics. She knew she needed to mentally get back to her God so He could turn things around. 

June 2023 Book of the Month

There is a lot going on in this world today. We are faced with issues at home, on our jobs, and even in society. God has done so much for us, but sometimes we need to learn how to focus more on God and who He is and not so much on our issues. This book will have you to look inside yourself and teach you how you can “Magnify the Lord”. So…take this journey with the author and

“Magnify the Lord” with her!

“O taste and see that the Lord is good!” - Psalm 34:8a 


When Marva Cromartie Nyema first experienced missions work as a young woman in Haiti, she did not know she would one day live in the interior in Liberia for over a year in answer to God's call, go on to minister for decades in many other Africa nations. and raise funds to build an orphanage.

This inspiring story of one woman's faith and reliance on God in trying circumstances is interwoven with the history of women in missions in the six-million-member Church of God in Christ (COGIC).

Marva Cromartie Nyema is an experienced military chaplain, and short-term missionary with the Church of God in Christ.


Prayer is the one standing invitation that is overlooked, discounted and ignored. Wake Up and Pray reveals 26 topics expressed in alphabet order that give us reasons to pray. It challenges us to move from obligatory and neutral prayers to those we believe are being heard by God.

The chapters are filled with experiences that are captivating and colorful. Like children responding to the call to come out and play, you will respond to the call to “come on and pray.”

March 2023 Book of the Month

"The Fifth Season - God's Promise to Us" is a must read for every follower of Jesus Christ. It is a tremendous tool of hope, encouragement, and inspiration to all. Are you awaiting to experience your Fifth Season? If you are not already in your fifth season, the author believes without a doubt that you are on the verge of experiencing the fifth season, which is your due season of restoration, supernatural favor, and abundance. In this book, every believer is inspired to hold on to your faith in God while awaiting your season of promise. After you have done the will of God, you need patience to wait on His promise.

The author centers the title of this book around Galatians 6:9, wherein Apostle Paul declares, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap; if we faint not." You may be in a pre-season of tests and trials, but if you remain faithful as a good soldier in the army of the Lord, you will reap a harvest of blessings. The author does not fail to remind the children of God that you are on God's calendar, and if you don't give up or give in to the enemy's tactics, your breakthrough appointment is closer than you think. Your reward will be greater than the struggle. God's divine plan is to bless every one of His children with fifth seasons, which rightly belong to you. However, it will be manifested in God's own timing if you do not faint.

Finally, the author also shares some of her own personal experiences and testimonies to help build up your faith in God. Her primary purpose is to enrich your daily walk with God and give strength to the weak and hope for the weary. The author believes without a doubt that God has ordained for you, the child of God, to experience and enjoy not only one but recurring fifth seasons. Remember, if God has made you a promise, you are going to live to see it happen. Your setback is only a setup for your comeback. Our God is a promise keeper. 

February 2023 Book of the Month

January 2023 Book of the Month



Interactive Writing Workshop for Authors and Aspiring Authors


At forty-three, unwed and no children, Simone is a Christian who is troubled due to her single status. As she elaborates her feelings to her buddies, Jasmine and Tanner, Simone opens a door to her past recapturing moments of happier times and specific events that changed her life. Intrigued by her stories, Jasmine pushes for more, while questions and suspicions arise during the process. Soon, odd behaviors begin to lurk out between their lives until hard-to-fight truths can no longer be hidden.


Are you a first lady suffering from depression, anxiety, and loneliness? Have you lost yourself in the shadows of your husband’s ministry? Are you at your wit’s end struggling to fit in and be accepted? Are you ready to quit?

In this illuminating, inspiring, and straight-talking book, the author reaches out to pastors’ wives to offer hope, encouragement, and help. As a pastor’s kid and first lady herself, she knows, firsthand, the physical, emotional, and spiritual ordeals that come with the title. Having walked the walk, she candidly shares from Scripture and her own experiences how to…

You are more than the pastor’s wife and his children’s mother – more than designer suits, hats, red-bottom shoes, expensive handbags with matching gloves, and iced out rings. You are a special lady who deserves to be as happy, confident, and at peace on the inside as you look on the outside. It’s time to own your day.


Forgive in order to live is my motto. As a former victim of unforgiveness, I repeat this mantra to help me as well. My goal is to help others do the same. Because of my experiences as a child and as an adult, I was inspired to write Damaged Women, How to Rehabilitate, and Is It Discipline or Child Abuse? I want you to be inspired as you read this book of poems and scriptures titled Gods Gift. Oftentimes we cant say what we feel, but writing it down makes it easier. My objective is for you to know that you can survive through forgiving. Just enough faith can give you strength to make it. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. He said just speak it, and no matter what's standing in your way, it shall be moved. Forgiveness is the first step in your healing process. Use your trials as stepping stones to a solid foundation. Keep believing and stay positive in everything you do; God will work it out for you. I'm encouraged to move forward and remain hopeful of every situation that comes before me. From this point on, don't let anything hold you down; rebuke it and keep moving. My favorite poem is The Swinging Door. My favorite scripture is Psalm 34: I will bless the Lord at all times. He took me form the dirt and healed the hurt in me. Thanks to everyone in my life, and may God truly bless you. 

July 2022 Book of the Month

This is the story of Sofia—a smart and brave little girl with big, bright dreams. Read along and join the fun as she discovers who she wants to be! Followed by "Can You See What I See"—Kids will love this playful book of easy words they can read all by themselves. Enjoy helping your child as they build reading skills and confidence. 

July 2022 Book of the Month

Kids will love this playful book of easy words they can read all by themselves. Enjoy helping your child as they build reading skills and confidence. 

June 2022 Book of The Month

Young Stacie is a typical fifteen-year-old girl who thought she had plenty of time to give her heart to the Lord. Little did she know that the decision she made would drastically change her life forever! Her mother warned her that the "rapture" could happen any day, and Pastor Ray preached a powerful sermon about the rapture on that fateful Sunday morning. Did Stacie wait too late? Even though this book is a fictional novel, the theme of it rings true. One day (in the near future), the "rapture of the church" is going to take place. This is the next event on God's prophetic calendar where millions of people will vanish from the face of the earth. In the Bible, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says, "The dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord." It is also described in 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. The aftermath of the rapture will bring great distress and turmoil for all unbelievers who are left behind. Their lives will suddenly change as they are plunged into the seven-year tribulation period and the new world order. The Antichrist will make his appearance and force both small and great to accept his mark or be martyred. The decision is yours. Will you make a choice to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life? Or will you be too late? 

May 2022 Book of The Month

Overcoming Anxiety--31 Day Journal is designed to be an inspirational tool, that reduces anxious thoughts and emotional fears in individuals, who utilized the journaling process contained in this book. This process is journaling with Biblical Scriptures. 

April 2022 Book of the Month

Overcoming the Struggles of Singleness is definitely God inspired. Overcoming the Struggles of Singleness is a book with each topic ranging from Trust, Patience, Hope over Despair, Guarding your Heart to rejection the Lord himself took me through each experience. This devotional not only talks about the various issues we as singles face, it gives you a prayer focus as well as Self- Check Questions allowing you to reflect, analyze and really get to the heart of the matter. I believe that this book will bless you. 

March 2022 Book of the Month

Discussion Call: March 14, 2022

Reading Dates:  February 15, 2022 - March 14, 2022

       February 2022 Book of the Month

Discussion Call: February 14, 2022

Reading Dates:  January 11 - February 14, 2022

This devotional will provide you with the secret ingredients necessary to continue on your path to purpose and destiny! 


To join in the discussion, please contact us!

August 2022 Book of the Month

Forgive in order to live is my motto. As a former victim of unforgiveness, I repeat this mantra to help me as well. My goal is to help others do the same. Because of my experiences as a child and as an adult, I was inspired to write Damaged Women, How to Rehabilitate, and Is It Discipline or Child Abuse? I want you to be inspired as you read this book of poems and scriptures titled Gods Gift. Oftentimes we cant say what we feel, but writing it down makes it easier. My objective is for you to know that you can survive through forgiving. Just enough faith can give you strength to make it. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. He said just speak it, and no matter whats standing in your way, it shall be moved. Forgiveness is the first step in your healing process. Use your trials as stepping stones to a solid foundation. Keep believing and stay positive in everything you do; God will work it out for you. Im encouraged to move forward and remain hopeful of every situation that comes before me. From this point on, dont let anything hold you down; rebuke it and keep moving. My favorite poem is The Swinging Door. My favorite scripture is Psalm 34: I will bless the Lord at all times. He took me form the dirt and healed the hurt in me. Thanks to everyone in my life, and may God truly bless you. 

August 2022 Book of the Month

Forgive in order to live is my motto. As a former victim of unforgiveness, I repeat this mantra to help me as well. My goal is to help others do the same. Because of my experiences as a child and as an adult, I was inspired to write Damaged Women, How to Rehabilitate, and Is It Discipline or Child Abuse? I want you to be inspired as you read this book of poems and scriptures titled Gods Gift. Oftentimes we cant say what we feel, but writing it down makes it easier. My objective is for you to know that you can survive through forgiving. Just enough faith can give you strength to make it. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. He said just speak it, and no matter whats standing in your way, it shall be moved. Forgiveness is the first step in your healing process. Use your trials as stepping stones to a solid foundation. Keep believing and stay positive in everything you do; God will work it out for you. Im encouraged to move forward and remain hopeful of every situation that comes before me. From this point on, dont let anything hold you down; rebuke it and keep moving. My favorite poem is The Swinging Door. My favorite scripture is Psalm 34: I will bless the Lord at all times. He took me form the dirt and healed the hurt in me. Thanks to everyone in my life, and may God truly bless you. 

Are you a first lady suffering from depression, anxiety, and loneliness? Have you lost yourself in the shadows of your husband’s ministry? Are you at your wit’s end struggling to fit in and be accepted? Are you ready to quit?

In this illuminating, inspiring, and straight-talking book, the author reaches out to pastors’ wives to offer hope, encouragement, and help. As a pastor’s kid and first lady herself, she knows, firsthand, the physical, emotional, and spiritual ordeals that come with the title. Having walked the walk, she candidly shares from Scripture and her own experiences how to…

You are more than the pastor’s wife and his children’s mother – more than designer suits, hats, red-bottom shoes, expensive handbags with matching gloves, and iced out rings. You are a special lady who deserves to be as happy, confident, and at peace on the inside as you look on the outside. It’s time to own your day.

Have you allowed fear or other repressing issues in life keep you from reaching your divine destiny? Do you have a spirit of fear or other hindrances that are holding you hostage? Are you constantly afraid of failure, rejection, the dark, flying in a plane, etc.? Are you a victim of low self-esteem? In my book, I will show you how to receive God's deliverance, and live an overcoming, victorious, and liberated life from these hindrances. You will learn how to draw from the power that is within you by activating your faith in God, and confronting your fear and other issues that are oppressing you. After identifying, acknowledging, and confronting your fear or issue, you must take control of it with your faith and action. Pray and ask God to release your freedom or miracle in Jesus' name. Then expect it to happen. Even in the midst of today's economic turmoil and perilous times, God is still working miracles.

I will also articulate my personal testimonies of overcoming the spirit of fear and other life's issues. God answered my prayers and He is able to do the same for you. From the front to the back cover, every chapter is predicated upon the Word of God; for it is the Word of God that has been sent to save, heal, and deliver those that are in distress. "Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing." Psalm 107:19-22. Don't wait until the battle is over, praise Him now.

-Evangelist Dr. Lottie N. Pitts 


We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. On our daily walks, we must be doers of the Word, not just listeners. We become better at living when we show everyone around us who God is by saying it, telling it, and living it.

In a weekly devotional, Bishop J. Drew Sheard offers Christians a wise, comforting, and inspiring spiritual companion that provides encouraging messages, biblical inspiration, and uplifting stories to remind Christians that life is a journey, not a destination. Within each reflection, Bishop Sheard shares nuggets of wisdom that lead believers down an introspective path within to rehearse daily obedience to God, avoid being caught up in a fleeting moment, live life lovingly unselfishly, treasure their destiny in the Kingdom of God, remember that salvation is the gift of God, and much more.

Say It. Tell It. Live It. is a weekly devotional that serves as both a reminder of God’s Word and as a tool for resolving life’s challenges in a way that pleases Him.

“All who are blessed to engage in this profound work will find a companion to expanding knowledge of the Word of God. This book is a must-read for all people of faith.”
Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, Chairman, The Conference of National Black Churches